Business Advising

June 01, 2020

Category: Business

Thumbnail for Business Advising

 We provide each client with the appropriate level of assistance to meet his or her business needs. Many professionals and agencies work with the North Texas Small Business Development Centers to provide specialized business advising for our clients.

Each center has qualified individuals recruited from professional and trade associations, the legal and banking community, academia and chambers of commerce.

Knowledgeable business advisors assist clients in addressing a wide range of business concerns including but not limited to:

  • Marketing
  • Business Problem Solving
  • Loan Requirements
  • Business Expansion
  • Buying or Selling a Business
  • Business Startup
  • Importing and Exporting
  • Government Contracting
  • Intellectual Property Protection
  • Environmental Regulation Compliance
  • Technological and Manufacturing Assistance
  • Management Issues